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Home: Welcome

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Congratulations! You have entered the world of parenthood. Whether you’re expecting your first baby or bringing home your second set of triplets, one thing will have already become obvious to you: Everyone and their grandmother has an opinion on how you should be raising your baby/babies.

Advice is great, right? It is given with the best intentions, and some of it is really quite useful! That is unless it just doesn’t sit right with you. Or it makes you feel like maybe you’re not doing this whole parenting thing “right". Or makes you feel completely unprepared! 

The problem with this abundance of advice is that Western culture doesn’t always treat parents or babies as individuals with their own unique personalities, appetites or sleep-needs. Prescriptive schedules and “one size fits all" approaches to parenting may work for a small percentage of families, but does that mean it’s right for you? And if it’s not, what does that mean? 

It means that you deserve evidence based, holistic support that is tailored to your family's individual needs, goals and boundaries.

 Families and their needs come in all shapes and sizes. Some may need support in optimising sleep, while others have feeding concerns. You may be looking for remote support for help with a particular issue, or you may have decided that in-home help would better suit your needs.

My temporary bookings can be as flexible as your needs require, from a single day or night up to 3 months 24/5 care.

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